Tomas Saraceno, born in 1973 in Tucuman, Argentina, lives and works in Berlin
2015 – Tuning Gravity’s Strings, Center for Art and Media (ZKM), Karlsruhe
2015 – Becoming Aerosolar, Haus21er, Vienna, Austria
2013-2015 – IN ORBIT, K21 Ständehaus, Düsseldorf, Germany
2012 – Cloud City / on the Roof, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City, NY, USA
2011 – Cloud Cities, Hamburger Bahnhof- Museum für Gegenwart, Berlin, Germany
2009 – galaxies forming along filaments, like droplets along the strands of a spider’s web, Venice Biennale, Italy
Public Collections (selection) :
Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York, USA, Museum für Moderne Kunst (MMK), Frankfurt am Main, Germany, MUDAM – Grand-Duc Jean Modern Art Museum, Luxemburg.
Bio / Work
After attaining his architecture degree at Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires in Argentina, Tomás Saraceno received postgraduate degrees in art and architecture from Escuela Superior de Bellas Artes de la Nación Ernesto de la Carcova, Buenos Aires (2000) and Staatliche Hochschule für Bildende Künste – Städelschule-Frankfurt am Main (2003).
In 2009, he attended the International Space Studies Program at NASA Ames. The same year Saraceno presented a major installation at the 53rd Biennale di Venezia, and was later on awarded the prestigious Calder Prize.
Saraceno’s oeuvre could be seen as an on-going research, informed by the worlds of art, architecture, natural sciences and engineering; his floating sculptures and interactive installations propose and explore new, sustainable ways of inhabiting and sensing the environment towards an aerosolar becoming.
Tomás Saraceno lives and works in and beyond the planet Earth.
Cloud City / on the Roof – The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 2012 © Tomas Saraceno studio
Project : Aerocene
Tomás Saraceno’s artistic project Aerocene is a series of sculptures that will float in the longest 0-fossil fuel journey around the world, becoming buoyant only by the heat of the Sun and infrared radiation from the surface of Earth. It invites us to think of new ways to sense the circulation of energy and resources; towards a new thermodynamic imaginary, actively reframing the material ethics and politics of our contemporary modes of moving, dwelling, and being-together, here on Earth. It pursues the vision of Cloud Cities, a previous undertaking of Saraceno. For COP21 Paris, the artist will present Aerocene in an outstanding sculptural installation at Grand Palais, in the context of SolutionsCOP21 event. At Palais de Tokyo, a symposium will be organized, and a series of actions and collective performances, based on open-source collaborative principles, will take place in various locations. From 20 to 30 October 2015, the artist had presented “Becoming Aerosolar” as part of the exhibition “Le Méridien Climatique” at University Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne.
Aerocene, digital collage, 2015 © Studio Tomas Saraceno
151126_TS_Aerocene – press release_eng
In partnership with:

10/12/2015 / De Zeen Mag: Tomás Saraceno installs Aerocene metallic orbs in Paris’ Grand Palais
02/12/2015 / Le Monde: la COP21 versant artistique (Emmanuelle Jardonnet)
27/11/2015 / Le Monde: quelle place pour l’art face aux enjeux climatiques? (Emmanuelle Jardonnet)