” … It is often forgotten that nearly 80% of the poorest people in the world live on the land in rural areas. They rely on small-scale rain-fed agriculture. Less and more erratic rainfall along with more land degradation and instability because of climate-change is a terrifying scenario.

Projects that will receive support as a result of this art initiative include efforts to save the oasis ecosystems in the Maghreb; the greening of the desert in Jordan through permaculture; the recovery of salinized lands in Peru; the promotion of ecological sanitization solutions in Haiti, agroecology and agroforestry in mountain areas in Laos and many more.

These techniques help get carbon back, where it belongs, into the land and soil. They help communities adapt land use to changing climatic conditions and make wise use of the ecosystem services the land provides…”


Christiana Figueres, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

Monique Barbut, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification

Extract of Artists 4 Paris Climate 2015 catalogue foreword, November 2015





NGO projects illustrating the diversity of action in the world

These projects cover the six major themes promoted by UNCCD: biodiversity, climate change, food security, forests, gender & indigenous, water scarcity and drought.
They are located in the most exposed geographical areas: 6 in Africa, 4 in Latin America and the Caribbean, 4 in Asia and Middle East.


The 12 NGOs and 14 projects supported

AIDER (rehabilitation of salinized land in Peru, indigenous ancestral knowledge in the Peruvian Amazonia), Agrisud (agroecology in north Laos), AVSF (biodigesters in Senegal, micro-irrigation in Madagascar), CARI (saving the oases in Algeria, Morocco, Mauritania and Tunisia), GADE (local sustainable development in Argentina), Grameena Vikas Samithi (Climate-smart sustainable agriculture based on indigenous cows as a resource in India), GRET (agroforestry in the Democratic Republic of Congo), Naga (“rain traps” in Kenya), Permaculture Global (greening the desert in Jordan), Scope (agro-pastoralism in Pakistan), SOIL (ecological sanitation solutions in Haiti), Tree Aid (restore biodiversity in a forest in Ethiopia).